SCFHS: decoding Group 1 & Group 2 classifications, defining qualifications and requirements for consultants in Saudi Arabia. In the field of healthcare, the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties (SCFHS) holds significant authority in overseeing the qualifications and practice of healthcare professionals within Saudi Arabia. At the core of its regulatory structure lie the classifications termed as Group 1 and Group 2. These classifications categorize professionals according to their qualifications, experience, and the requirements needed to attain the consultant title. Let’s delve deeper into these classifications to gain a better understanding.
Group 1 Qualifications:
Requirements: Healthcare professionals falling under Group 1 must have at least three (3) years of experience after obtaining the certificate to qualify as a consultant.
- Fellowship of the Royal Australian College of Physicians (FRACP).
- Fellowship of the Royal Australian College of Surgeons (FRACS).
- Certificate of Satisfactory Completion of Specialist Training (CSCST).
- Certificate of Satisfactory Completion of Training in General Practice (CSCST), and Inclusion in the Irish Medical Council as a Specialist for Non-Saudis.
- Diplôme d’études spécialisées (DES).
- Diplôme d’études spécialisées Complémentaires (DESC) issued by a French university.
Saudi Arabia:
- Saudi Specialty Certificate issued by the Saudi Commission of Health Specialties.
- Specialization Certificate from the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC).
- Certification by the College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC).
United Kingdom:
- Certificate of Completion of Specialist Training (CCST).
- Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT).
- Certificate of Completion of Training in General Practice and Inclusion in the General Medical Council as a Specialist Register for non-Saudis.
United States:
- American Board Certification is recognized by the American Board of Medical Specialties.
Group 2 Qualifications:
Requirements: Healthcare professionals falling under Group 2 must have at least five (5) years of experience after obtaining the certificate to qualify as a consultant.
- Diploma o specijalističkom usavršavanju issued by Ministarstvo nadležno za zdravstvo.
South Korea:
- Korean specialty certificate issued by the Ministry of Health and Welfare Korea.
- Kuwaiti Board issued by the Kuwait Institute of Medical Specialties.
- Lebanese specialization certificate issued by the Lebanese University, the American University, Beirut Arab University, and Al Makasid Islamic Lebanese Charity Society Hospital.
- Certificate of Medical Specialties Board.
- Clinical Master Degree with a minimum of 4 years of clinical training.
- Haziorvostan Szakorvosi bizonyítvány issued by Nemzeti Vizsgabizottság.
Arab Board of Medical Specializations:
- Arab Board Certificate (if the certificate of completion training is issued by the official authority in one of the countries of the First Category).
- PhD in general medical specialties.
- Egyptian Fellowship issued by the Ministry of Health and Population.
- Spesialistgodkjanning issued by the Den Norske Legeforening or Norwegian Directorate of Health.
- Facharztdiplom issued by Österreichische Arztekammer.
- Fellowship of the West African College of Physicians/Surgeons.
- National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria.
- Doctor of Medicine (MD), followed by a Doctorate of Medicine (DM).
- Master of Surgery (MS), followed by Master of Chirurgery (MCh), and Diploma in National Board (DNB).
- Bewijs van inschrijving in een Specialistenregister Or A Diploma geneeskundig specialist issued by Registratiecommissie Geneeskundig Specialisten.
Hong Kong:
- Specialist training from a recognized post-graduate training program in Hong Kong and the Fellowship of the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine.
- Clinical PhD with at least 4 years of clinical training.
- Tirolarpikileblótkornrus issued by the Greek region of medical specialization.
- Specialization Certificate issued by the Ministerio de Desarrollo Social y Salud.
- Jordanian Board issued by the Jordanian Medical Council with a certificate of completion training issued by the Board stating that the full duration of training was completed in Jordan or in one of the countries of the First Category.
- Titulo de Especialista (professional qualification of a specialist) issued by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Culture.
- Fachärztliche Anerkennung/Urkunde (Certificate of medical specialist issued by State’s Medical Council).
- A Diploma di medico specialista (diploma of specialised doctor) granted by a rector of an Italian university (A Diploma di medico).
- An Attestato di formazione specifica in medicina generale (certificate of specific training for general medical practice).
- Fellowship of College of Physicians and Surgeons in Pakistan (FCPS).
- Titulo de Especialista (professional award of specialist) issued by the Ordem dos Medicos.
- Titulo De Especialista issued by Brazilian Medical Association and the Brazilian College of Surgeons, and Registered with the Regional Councils or Federal Medical Council as a Specialist.
- A Bijzondere beroepstitel van geneesheerspecialist/Titre professionnel particulier de médecin spécialiste (formal evidence of having qualified as a medical specialist) issued by Minister bevoegd voor Volksgezondheid Ministre de la Santé Publique (Ministry of Public Health).
- Specialist Diploma (Dyplom uzyskania tytułu specjalisty) issued by the Centrum Egzaminow Medycznych.
Czech Republic:
- Diplom o specializaci (specialist medical degree) awarded by the Czech Ministry of Health.
- A Certificate of Specialist Physician issued by the Ministry of Public Health.
- Postgraduate medical diploma from the Ministry of Higher Education.
South Africa:
- Fellowship of the Colleges of Medicine of South Africa.
- Bevis for tilladelse til at betegne sig som speciallæge (Certificate concerning the title of Specialist) issued by the Authority of Health Services (Sundhedsstyrelsen).
- Clinical DM Certificate issued by the Sudan Medical Specialization Board.
- Clinical DM Certificate issued by the University of Khartoum until 2009.
- Bevis om specialistkompetens om läkare (certificate of the right to use the title of specialist) issued by the Socialstyrelsen (National Board of Health and Welfare of Sweden).
- Diplôme de médecin spécialiste/Diplom als Facharzt/Diploma di medico specialista (specialist qualification) issued by the Swiss Federal Department of Home Affairs (FDHA).
- Iraqi Board issued by the Iraqi Council of Medical Specialties.
- Omani specialty certificate issued by the Omani Medical Board.
- Kandidat Nauk with a minimum of 3 years clinical training.
- Diplôme interuniversitaire de Spécialité (DIS) Interuniversity Diploma of medical specialty.
- Erikoislääkärintutkinto Special läkarexamen (Certificate of degree of specialist in medicine awarded by a Finnish University).
These qualifications, aligned with the respective Group classifications, set the standard for expertise and experience required for healthcare professionals to excel as Consultants in Saudi Arabia’s healthcare system. Understanding these distinctions is crucial for navigating the licensure process and ensuring the delivery of high-quality healthcare services in the Kingdom.
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